環境へ与える負荷が少なく、環境負荷軽減のために努力していること。また、「西部ガス グリーン購入指針」に沿った取り組みがなされていること。
- ■迅速・適切な対応:
品質問題や災害・事故等の緊急事態が発生した場合の迅速・適切な対応 - ■個人・機密情報:
個人情報や機密情報の適切な取扱い - ■知的財産:
- ■迅速・適切な対応:
- ■人権:
児童労働の禁止、強制労働の禁止、差別の禁止 - ■労働:
結社の自由の保障、団体交渉権の保障、長時間労働の防止、最低賃金の保障 - ■安全衛生:
- ■人権:
Supplier Purchasing Guidelines
(Requests to Suppliers)
Suppliers are our important partners. The Saibu Gas Group is committed to fostering a relationship of mutual trust and development with suppliers, as well as working together to fulfill our corporate social responsibility (CSR). To this end, we ask suppliers for their understanding of the Saibu Gas Group Basic Purchasing Policy and cooperation with the following guidelines.
Ensuring compliance
When engaging in purchasing transactions with the Saibu Gas Group, suppliers shall comply with all relevant laws and regulations and their spirit, as well as other social norms and corporate ethics. Suppliers shall act as a conscientious member of society, and have put in place a functioning system for the prevention and early detection of misconduct.
Ensuring quality
Suppliers shall provide a level of quality and performance that meet the requirements of the Saibu Gas Group and maintain this level for a reasonable period of time. In addition, suppliers shall ensure an excellent level of quality in terms of such things as the shape and structure of products, as well as the operability of systems, and that these systems shall be sufficiently interconnected with peripheral equipment, etc.
Reasonable prices
Suppliers shall ensure that the prices of their products and services are reasonable in light of the specifications, quality, delivery date, quantity purchased, market price trends, and other factors.
Meeting deadlines
Suppliers shall always meet deadlines.
Consideration for the environment
Suppliers shall ensure that their business operations have a low impact on the environment, and make efforts to further reduce their environmental footprint. In addition, suppliers shall work in accordance with the Saibu Gas Green Purchasing Guidelines.
Ensuring safety
Suppliers shall ensure safety in terms of the use and operation of their products.
Maintenance and after-sales service
Suppliers shall put in place systems to ensure that inspections, maintenance, repairs, and response to accidents and breakdowns can be carried out swiftly, safely, and accurately, and that the necessary parts, technical assistance, etc. can be provided promptly. Suppliers shall also design and manufacture products with these considerations in mind, and shall constantly strive to improve the materials and equipment that they deliver.
Risk management
Suppliers shall take the following steps to ensure effective risk management.
- ■Prompt and appropriate response:
Prompt and appropriate response to quality problems, disasters, accidents, and other emergencies. - ■Personal and confidential information:
Appropriate handling of personal and confidential information - ■Intellectual property:
Appropriate management of intellectual property (including confidential information and know-how)
- ■Prompt and appropriate response:
Consideration for human rights, labor relations, and health and safety
Suppliers shall take the following steps to ensure due consideration is given to human rights, labor relations, and health and safety.
- ■Human rights:
No child labor, forced labor, or discrimination - ■Labor relations:
Guarantee of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, prevention of long working hours, guarantee of minimum wages - ■Health and safety:
Workplace safety, prevention of occupational accidents and illnesses, facility health and safety
- ■Human rights:
Supply chain management
Suppliers shall commit themselves to complying with the above policy at all stages, from the procurement of raw materials and parts to the delivery of products and services, and shall likewise encourage their suppliers to commit to the items stipulated in the policy.